About Us

Revolutionize your networking. Start gaining a command of the music business by attending the SoundSwift Real Skills Music Expo and connecting with our panelist..  Reals Skills allows attendees to contact with leading A&R personnel, booking agents, business managers, distributors, entertainment attorney's, music publishers, personal managers, producers, professional managers, radio station program directors and talent scouts.  This could be your chance to network with some of the industry’s leading professionals.  As you know, the music business is based on personal relationships: who you know, what you know, and who knows you.

Who are the panelists and what are they roles and how could they help me?

A&R Personnel: A record company executive with the responsibility artists and repertoire.  Responsible for developing and signing new artists to record labels

Booking Agent: A person who solicits work and schedules performances for artists

Business Managers: A representative who helps the musician with financial planning, investment decisions, tax matters, monitoring of income from contracts, estate planning and other financial matters.  (This person is generally your accountant).

Distributor: A company responsible for getting recorded materials to retailers.  Distributors are needed only if you have manufactured material.

Entertainment Attorney: Provides legal support and advice to Artist when seeking and negotiating contracts.

Music Publisher: A company that evaluates songs for commercial potential, publishes them, collects income generated by recorded materials, and protects songs from copyright infringement.

Personal Manager: A person who represents an artist by developing and enhancing their careers, negotiate contracts, hire and dismiss booking agencies and personnel related to the artists career and consults with perspective employers to help with the artist’s promotions and publicity.

Producer: A person who supervises the recording of a song or album.

Professional Managers: A member of a music publisher’s staff who screens submitted material and tries to get the company’s catalog of recorded songs.

Radio Station Program Directors: A radio station employee who screens and develops the record play list that their station will broadcast.

Talent Scout: A person who recruits and looks for talent for certain industry business.